Showing 2 Result(s)
Gender Differences in Early Education Impacts on Cognitive Outcomes
Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences on Cognition

Gender Differences in Early Education Impacts on Cognitive Outcomes

This study, published by Burchinal et al. (2024), examines the long-term effects of early childhood education (ECE) interventions on cognitive outcomes, with a focus on how impacts vary by gender. Using data from the Carolina Abecedarian Project, the researchers explore treatment effects from infancy through middle adulthood, highlighting key differences …

Sex Differences in Technical Aptitude: Insights from Schmidt’s Study
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Gender Differences in Technical Aptitude

Frank L. Schmidt’s 2011 article provides an in-depth examination of the observed differences between males and females in technical aptitude. The study attributes these differences to variations in experience and interest in technical domains rather than inherent differences in general mental ability (GMA). Through four predictive tests backed by a …