Showing 4 Result(s)
The SAT’s Evolution and Its Connection to Intelligence Testing
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Tracing the SAT’s Intellectual Legacy and Its Ties to IQ

The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) has been a central element of academic assessment in the United States for nearly a century. Initially designed to provide an equitable way to evaluate academic potential, its evolution reflects shifts in societal values, educational theories, and cognitive research. This post examines the SAT’s historical …

The Role of Self-Control Strategies in SAT Outcomes
Educational Psychology and Interventions

The Role of Self-Control Strategies in SAT Outcomes

Baldwin et al. (2022) examine how strategic self-control and willpower influence Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) preparation and performance. Their findings provide valuable insights into how students can enhance their outcomes on high-stakes exams by focusing on effective self-control strategies. Background The study is based on the premise that self-control is …

The Relationship Between SAT Scores and General Cognitive Ability
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

The Relationship Between SAT Scores and General Cognitive Ability

Frey and Detterman (2004) conducted an influential study examining the relationship between the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and general cognitive ability (g). Their research sought to determine the degree to which SAT scores reflect g and assess the test’s potential use as a premorbid measure of intelligence. The findings provided …

Dissecting Cognitive Measures in Reasoning and Language
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Dissecting Cognitive Measures in Reasoning and Language

Examining Cognitive Dimensions Through the Jouve-Cerebrals Test of Induction (JCTI) and the SAT This study investigates the dimensions of general reasoning ability (gθ) by analyzing data from the Jouve-Cerebrals Test of Induction (JCTI) and the Scholastic Assessment Test-Recentered (SAT). Focusing on the Mathematical and Verbal subscales of the SAT, the …