Showing 5 Result(s)
Assessing Air Pollution’s Impact on Health and Cognitive Function
Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences on Cognition

Assessing Air Pollution’s Impact on Health and Cognitive Function

Landrigan et al. (2022) present a detailed strategy for evaluating how air pollution affects health and cognitive function at the community level. Their study focuses on Massachusetts, revealing significant health outcomes and IQ loss even at air pollution levels below current EPA standards. The findings emphasize the need for stricter …

Impact of Very Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight on Adult IQ
Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Impact of Very Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight on Adult IQ

Research by Eves et al. (2021) examines the long-term cognitive outcomes of individuals born very preterm (VPT) or with very low birth weight (VLBW) compared to those born at term. The study uses a comprehensive meta-analysis of individual participant data (IPD) from multiple cohorts to identify factors contributing to differences …

Role of Intelligence and Music Aptitude in Piano Skill Acquisition for Beginners
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Intelligence and Music Aptitude in Piano Skill Acquisition

Burgoyne, Harris, and Hambrick’s (2019) study examines how individual differences, including cognitive ability, music aptitude, and mindset, influence the acquisition of piano skills among beginners. By focusing on individuals with little to no prior experience, this research offers insights into the early stages of learning a musical instrument. Background The …

Processing Speed and Intelligence: Examining the Connection
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

Exploring the Dynamics of Speed and Intelligence

Chew’s study investigates the link between information processing speed and intelligence by utilizing elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs) as a measurement tool. The findings reveal a consistent negative correlation between reaction times on ECTs and intelligence scores, particularly as task complexity increases. This article unpacks these findings and their implications for …

The Relationship Between SAT Scores and General Cognitive Ability
Cognitive Abilities and Intelligence

The Relationship Between SAT Scores and General Cognitive Ability

Frey and Detterman (2004) conducted an influential study examining the relationship between the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and general cognitive ability (g). Their research sought to determine the degree to which SAT scores reflect g and assess the test’s potential use as a premorbid measure of intelligence. The findings provided …