Technological Advances in Psychology

Building Resistance Against Online Misinformation

Building Resistance Against Online Misinformation

Roozenbeek, Maertens, McClanahan, and van der Linden’s 2021 study examines the methodological factors affecting the effectiveness of the “Bad News” game, an intervention designed to combat misinformation online. The study explores how item and testing effects influence the intervention’s outcomes and assesses its role in building resilience against misinformation. Background …

Cognitive Aging and Decline

Dietary Patterns, Cognitive Function, and Brain Aging

Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Function: A Review on the Relationship with Brain Aging

Corley et al. (2020) present a study examining how dietary patterns influence cognitive function and brain aging in older adults. Using data from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936, the research identifies associations between two dietary patterns—Mediterranean-style and processed diets—and cognitive performance, as well as structural neuroimaging markers of brain health. …

Cognitive Development and Neurodevelopment

Impact of Cannabis Use on IQ Decline in Youth

Impact of Cannabis Use on IQ Decline in Youth

Power et al. (2021) conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis examining how frequent or dependent cannabis use during youth affects Intelligence Quotient (IQ) over time. Their findings provide valuable insights into the potential developmental consequences of cannabis exposure during critical cognitive development periods. Background The study focuses on cannabis use …

Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences on Cognition

Responsive Caregiving and Learning Opportunities: Impact on Human Capital

Responsive Caregiving and Learning Opportunities: Impact on Human Capital

The study by Trude et al. (2021) examines how responsive caregiving and learning opportunities during early childhood influence the relationship between early adversities and adolescent human capital. Conducted in Brazil and South Africa, this research highlights the protective role of nurturing environments in fostering cognitive and psychosocial development despite early …

Psychological Measurement and Testing

Introducing the NCS-6: A Streamlined Measure of Need for Cognition

NCS-6: A Streamlined Measure of Need for Cognition

The article by Coelho, Hanel, and Wolf (2018) presents the NCS-6, a shortened version of the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS-18). This scale measures an individual’s tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking, a concept that has become significant in fields like social and medical sciences. By reducing the original …

Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Understanding Prior Sensitivity in Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling

Decoding Prior Sensitivity in Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling for Sparse Factor Loading Structures

Liang’s (2020) study on Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling (BSEM) focuses on the use of small-variance normal distribution priors (BSEM-N) for analyzing sparse factor loading structures. This research provides insights into how different priors affect model performance, offering valuable guidance for researchers employing BSEM in their work. Background Bayesian Structural Equation …

Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences on Cognition

The Impact of Maternal Vitamin D Levels on Neurocognitive Development

The Impact of Maternal Vitamin D Levels on Neurocognitive Development

Melough et al. (2021) investigated the role of maternal vitamin D levels during pregnancy on the neurocognitive development of children aged 4–6 years. Using data from the CANDLE cohort, the study provides evidence linking higher maternal plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels with improved IQ outcomes in children, highlighting the importance …

Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Assessing Missing Data Handling Methods in Sparse Educational Datasets

Assessing Missing Data Handling Methods in Sparse Educational Datasets

The study by Xiao and Bulut (2020) evaluates how different methods for handling missing data perform when estimating ability parameters from sparse datasets. Using two Monte Carlo simulations, the research highlights the strengths and limitations of four approaches, providing valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in educational and psychological measurement. …

Psychological Measurement and Testing

Evaluating Nonmemory-Based PVTs for More Accurate Neuropsychological Assessments

Improving Detection of Noncredible Results with Nonmemory-Based Performance Validity Tests

The article “Convergent, Discriminant, and Concurrent Validity of Nonmemory-Based Performance Validity Tests” by Webber, Critchfield, and Soble (2020) analyzes the effectiveness of nonmemory-based Performance Validity Tests (PVTs) in detecting noncredible performance during neuropsychological assessments. The study evaluates tools like the Dot Counting Test (DCT) and variations of the WAIS-IV Digit …

Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

The Role of Item Distributions in Reliability Estimation

The Role of Item Distributions in Reliability Estimation

Olvera Astivia, Kroc, and Zumbo’s (2020) study examines the assumptions underlying Cronbach’s coefficient alpha and how the distribution of items affects reliability estimation. By introducing a new framework rooted in Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds, the authors offer a fresh perspective on the limitations of this widely used reliability measure. Their work provides …